elena aitzkoa, performance, paraíso terrenal viene y va
Elena Aitzkoa
Elena Aitzkoa Apodaka, 1984. Her practice includes sculpture, drawing, poetry and performance. Her creations are a heterogeneous ecosystem that draws on physical and emotional elements from her more or less immediate surroundings and life experience. Her latest projects include the exhibition Zarza Corazón (2019), at the Museo Patio Herreriano in Valladolid; the vinyl of poems and whistles Paraíso Terrenal (2019); the film Our love nation in the Middle Ages (2018) and the cycle of performances Headscarfs close to the Ground in the framework of OsloPilot (2016).
Paraiso Terrenal, viene y va (Earthly Paradise, it comes and goes)
This is a performatic work in continuous evolution in which the sculpture offers itself as a welcoming landscape between the mountains and the estuary for the flow of the poetic body. It consists of 13 cavities of fabric and plaster and the amplified reproduction of the vinyl Paraíso Terrenal overlapped by or alternating with whistles, songs and poems performed live without amplification. It is the sculptures and the body that determine the movement and the tempo.
It has been presented at the Botanical Garden in Granada within the FACBA festival, in Centro Centro, Madrid, in the Frequency Singular Plural cycle and in Merkatua948, in Iruña.
… Earthly Paradise, there is danger and there is beauty, and among all the rarities your presence is the most rare. But, when you go through the gate of this poorly fenced garden, the little frogs greet you by lying on one side, croak-croak, croak-croak … muzzle-curl. The river has just dried up, the lake is beautiful like a kiss. I bathe and the icy water speaks to my bones … In a scattered flock, birds of paradise flutter together with dusky pigeons …Dizziness!
…Paraíso Terreenal, arriskua eta edertasuna, eta, bitxikeria guztien artean, zure presentzia da ederrena Baina, atea igaro eta gaizki hesitutako lorategi honetan sartzean , alde bateranz etzaten diren igeltxoek agurtzen zaituzte, kro-kro, kro-kro… Hocico-rizo. Ibaia lehortu egin da, aintzira musu bat bezain eder dago, bainatu egiten naiz eta ur izoztuak nire hezurrekin hitz egiten du…Txoriak arrapaladan barreiatzen dira paradisuti, hegoak harrotzu, uso nabarrekin batera. Zorabioa!