Brillo Editorial

Brillo Editorial is comprised of Rocío Agudo and Miguel Alejos, artists and cultural agents that fluctuate between creating, mediating, and curating. Collectively, we have shared space at the BilbaoArte Foundation, in the exhibition hall of the Montehermoso Cultural Centre, and we have developed consecutive mediation sessions at the Bulegoa z/b space’s Illegal Cinema event.

We share a desire to develop activities and projects that create a network and context. We believe in the mobile, the vibrant, and the highlighter that defines our generation.

Placing fondness and care at the centre of our joint project’s methodology, 2022 saw the creation of Brillo, a small publishing house specialised in contemporary artistic offerings. Brillo was born to create artistic objects that are accessible to the general public, with the aim of supporting the work of new and mid-career artists through the publishing of artist books.