exhibition call 2018
In 2017 eremuak is launching a specific call for proposals with the aim of organising a collective exhibition to be held in the CAC1 /CAB1 (Complementary Activities Building 1) at Azkuna Zentroa/Alhóndiga Bilbao in February and March 2018.
The deadline for the submission of proposals is 31 August 2017.
The selection will be done by eremuak’s board members conformed by Iñaki Imaz, Pello Irazu and Leire Vergara and Basque artist Itziar Okariz and the director of The Showroom in London, Emily Pethick.
Send your proposal to eremuak using the online form. To do this, you must login. If you have not previously registered as a user you will need to create a new account.
A password will then be sent to your email address and you can use this to access the registration form and begin the process.
You can download the PDF (490 KB) with the terms and conditions here.