ARRAKALAN FX is an exhibition comprised of several artistic proposals between two rivers in the town of Markina-Xemein. A series of works that range from sound to poetry and performance. The works and artists presented start from a common place and feed back to each other through experimentation, the body, noise, affections and sound effects. The proposal is both a mutable gathering and a celebration.
The experience will start at the chapel with the piece danza_venganza by Eneko Borao, and we will go to Uhagon kulturgunea to the recital with autotune The Most DramatiC Panda EVER by M.Benito Píriz, and to the ruido Proto-ritual concertby Myriam RZM, whet our appetite before lunch at Uhagon Kulturgunea. We will continue with performance Buscar refugio al abrigo del sincretismo by Javier R. Pérez-Curiel, to end up in the prison, where we can liberate ourselves with the core session Baila o Muere live by Arakn3.
- Arretxinaga Chapel (Avenida Arretxinaga, 24)
- 12:45 ENEKO BORAO. I Wish Your Death, precede a una lluvia helada (Danza_venganza)
- Arretxinaga Chapel (Avenida Arretxinaga 24)
- 13:30 M. BENITO PÍRIZ. The Most DramatiC Panda EVER (Recital with autotune)
- Behind Uhagon Kulturgunea (Avenida Xemein 10)
- 14:00 MYRIAM RZM. Ruido Proto_ritual (Concert
- Behind Uhagon Kulturgunea (Avenida Xemein 10)
- 14:30 LUNCH
- On the terrace of Uhagon kulturgunea (Avenida Xemein 10)
- 16:00 JAVIER R. PÉREZ-CURIEL. Buscar refugio al abrigo del sincretismo (Performance)
- Arretxinaga Chapel (Avenida Arretxinaga 24)
- 17:00 ARAKN3. Baila o Muere (Live session)
- In the prison (Avenida Arretxinaga 12)