Opening times: 5:30 – 8:30 pm from Monday to Saturday


Kulturate C/ Azoka, 1 Arrasate, Gipuzkoa


Daniel LlaríaNatalia SuárezAlazne Zubizarreta


Leire San Martin


Itzuli barik  (Iraitz Agirre)

harriak: “itzuli barik”

In a recent cultural meeting, a philosopher suggested an interesting definition of the figure of the mediator. He compared it to the literary tradition of courtly love, and said that, while the courtier linguistically elaborates the idea of love, the mediator creates a linguistic elaboration of conflict.

Some time ago, I heard a friend say that there is a kind of incomprehension in art that is precisely what captures our attention and draws us to it. He said that he goes to look at Las Meninas again and again, because there is something in that picture that always escapes him, something that he cannot quite understand.

This idea that what we cannot understand attracts us creates a powerful image. And the attempt to verbally elaborate what cannot be said can also be a suggestive idea.

Something is always lost in translation, and yet we want to know everything.

Parallel activities

Art laboratory with TTAK! gazte taldea (youth group): September 6, 7 and 8.

Opening: September 20, 19:00h.
– Bertso-saioa: Maider Arregi, Miren Artetxe, Maddi Gallastegi, Ane Zuazubiskar.
– Concert of versions: Ekiñe Casado.

Guided visit| Ana Isabel Ugalde: 20th October, 12:00h.


Jon Garai, Jone Uriarte, Amaia Etxabe, Jone Zubizarreta, Maddi Gallastegi, Libe Argoitia, Iraitz Agirre, Marta Montiano, Ane Santa Cristina, Izar Ruiz de Austri, Izaskun García, Olaia Calvo, Ixiar Okina, Garazi Barrena, Olatz Zuazubiskar, Ekiñe Casado, Uxue Sampedro, Ana Isabel Ugalde, Arrasateko Zientzia Elkartea, Amaia Bengoa, Miren Artetxe, Maider Arregi, Ane Zuazubiskar, Alazne Zubizarreta, Daniel Llaría, Natalia Suárez.