Monday to Saturday, from 18.00h to 20.00h
Public holidays: 12:30h to 14:00h / 18:00h to 20:00h



Oxford Aretoa, Erribera street, 23 (Zumaia)


Raisa Alava, Alberto Albor, Ane Rodríguez Zaitegi/Anemotorazing


Ismael Iglesias


Irudipena eta errealitatea: zuk ikusten duzuna ez da nik ikusten dudana (Mikel Onandia Garate)

harriak: “lo que tú ves, no es lo que veo yo”

Within the film “Lucky” we are presented with an essential dialogue where two statements ask the audience to reflect on how to define realism:

“What you see is what there is.”
“But what you see is not what I see.”

“Lucky” is a film about accepting old age and the proximity of death, a reflection on how, suddenly, we find ourselves confronted by something that we have been ignoring for years. Lucky is in the final phase of his life, where he will be taken on a journey of self-discovery whose ultimate goal is enlightenment. The result is a scene in which, in a loud voice and addressing the viewer in a certain sense, he himself will recite the definition of “realism”: The way of seeing things as they are, without any alterations, and being prepared to accept them.

The artists Raisa Álava, Alberto Albor and Ane Rodríguez represent three possible ways of understanding realism today, three very different visions that allow the viewer to discover the current paradigms that inspire the artists.