fem tour truck in Bilbao

Bilbao 15 september, Muelle Siervas de Jesús.

A truck transformed into a travelling art gallery, to present the selection of the best works of video art, performance and activism submitted in the 2016 invitation for proposals. With free workshops and debates about feminist artistic practices.


12:00 PRESENTATION Fem Tour Truck festival

13:00 Gastronomic PERFORMANCE, “Cocina de Guerrilla” (“Guerilla Food”)

16:00 WORKSHOP: FEM TOUR TRUCK STENCIL workshop, involving printing on fabric patches using the technique of stencils/templates. Come and join in and take away your patches with different appropriate icons, thoughts etc. about the struggle of women, in a simple and creative way. www.trucarec.wordpress.com

17:00 WORKSHOP: “(RE)PRESENT OURSELVES” audiovisual creation from a feminist perspective.
Practical workshop on the representation of women in audiovisual productions, and the process of becoming creators and protagonists of our own stories.The workshop analyses the hegemonic discourse on women in audiovisual culture, and explores ways to build new discourses that represent us in all our diversity and so that we build our own languages. We will analyse audiovisual products, and provide keys for the creation of audiovisual products that are truly our own, and we will have a space for creation in real time.
The workshop is coordinated by Irantzu Varela, coordinator of Faktoria Lila, and creator of “El Tornillo” (“The Screw”), the feminist space of the “La Tuerka” TV show.

18:00 CONCERT: Magmadam.

19:00 ROUND TABLE: Feminist art practices: the role of women producers. Histeria kolektiboa, Irantzu Varela, Itziar Markiegi, Idoia Marañon, Goiuri Go Freak.

20:00 SCREENING of selected videos.

21:30 SCREENING of winning videos.

22:00 DJ Goiuri Go Freak.

CONTINUOUS and participatory ACTION: cardboard placards for ordinary girls. SIRAKUSI.
And delicious Baias craft beer.