halfhouse 2016

  • The deadline for applications was May 26th, 2016

To apply: download the PDF (298 KB) here

eremuak, in collaboration with Halfhouse, was calling for applications for a residency for artists from the Basque Autonomous Community. The proposal aims to support artists and/or creators working in the context of the visual arts.

⇒ The technical committee of eremuak and members of Halfhouse, awarded the Halfhouse 2016 residency to Josu Bilbao Ugalde.

The residency took place between 1 August and 30 September in the Halfhouse art space in Barcelona, and finished with the Esaná exhibition by the artist at the same venue, which was  inaugurated on 1 October 12 o’clock.


eremuak_Halfhouse2016_Esaná_JosuBilbao_0Esaná exhibition. Josu Bilbao

01/10/2016 – 03/12/2016

openning: Saturday 1 October, 2016 starting at 12:00pm at Halfhouse

Entrance after the inauguration with prior appointment: 0034 653600635 / info@halfhouse.org