halfhouse 2022

photos: Gabriele Muguruza


The Technical Commission of eremuak and members of the Halfhouse, after the evaluation of all the presented proposals, has awarded the residency at the Halfhouse to Irantzu Yaldebere.

Since 2016, the eremuak program offers annually, in collaboration with Halfhouse, a residency for artists from or residing in the Basque Autonomous Community.

eremuak, is an open Basque Government programme for the production of context in contemporary art that is currently the responsibility of the International Centre for Contemporary Culture, S.A. (Tabakalera). The main purpose of eremuak is to offer a platform for artists and creators, to promote a climate of debate, and encourage meetings, as well as to provide a workplace that functions as an observatory of contemporary art.

timetable for the call

  • The deadline for submitting applications will be from 1 April to 20 May 2022.
  • The resolution of the call for applications will be published on the eremuak website (eremuak.eus) in the last week of May.

timetable for the stay

  • Egonaldia 2021eko uztailaren 4tik (astelehena) irailaren 2ra (ostirala) bitartekoa izango da.
  • Erakusketa irailaren 2an (larunbata) inauguratuko da.

Halfhouse is a non-profit space that develops projects within the artistic sphere. Since its founding in 2009, and through 2018, the project has been developed in the home of its pioneers, artists Sinéad Spelman and Alberto Peral. During this time, national and international artists have presented their work and led workshops at Halfhouse, with artist residencies having always been an important aspect of the space’s activities. Since 2016, Halfhouse has had a collaborative residency agreement with eremuak to invite an artist and/or creators from the Basque Country each year.