Oier Iruretagoiena
Oier Iruretagoiena (Errenteria, 1988) presents in Tarteka an experience which is integrated with guided tours, a sound piece related to an article that he published in December 2020 in Berria egunkaria about his particular relationship with the highway, very present in current reality, also for Bolintxu.
“They are different sounds: the one produced by the vehicle’s engines, the one produced by the tires when rubbing against the asphalt or the one produced by the movement of air as it passes by. But the further we get away from the road, the more they come to us. More mixed and diffuse, until creating a murmur. If we compare that murmur with the one created by the sea on the coast, we would realize that they are not very different. They are at similar sound frequencies. ”