presentation of the ‘plano contra plano’ project

7.30pm in Zas Kultur Espazioa

Presentation of the Plano Contra Plano project. A dismantling of gender in film genres, by Cristina Arrazola.

Short presentation from the artist and screening of the five videos which make up the project.

The work is a free analysis of how the feminine image is represented in classic film genres: science fiction, melodrama, musical, horror and film noir. The analysis at times suggests the repair of a tainted vision, at others the hint of inequality and even the discovery of opportunities for equality.

No. 1. Melodrama – 4m20s. All That Heaven Allows (Douglas Sirk, 1955).
No. 2. Film noir – 13m44s. The Maltese Falcon (John Houston, 1941).
No. 3. Musical – 14m13s. West Side Story (R. Wise and J. Robbins, 1961).
No. 4. Horror – 3m06s. Various.
No. 5. Science Fiction – 7m52s. The Man with the X-ray Eyes (R. Corman, 1963).