
Analysis and re-presentation of a number of songs from the Popular Basque Song Book (1921-1925).

Popular songs classified in accordance with their words, not in accordance with technical criteria. They are love songs, songs that engage us: songs sung by men and women – what is the role of women in them?, is it so different from today?, do they portray a romantic or a practical version of love?, are they songs written by women or about them?, and among women, how do poor women love and how do the rich? How do old women love and how do the young? In short, how do women who, from the viewpoint of a naturalised and universalised image of love have negligible possibilities of crossing the threshold of invention, love?…

In this project we attempt to analyse all these aspects.

Amak ezkondu ninduen
amabost urtekin,
senarrak bazituen
laurogei berakin:
¡Oi, ai! neskatila gaztea
gure zarrakin
a gure zarrakin

Ama ¿zertarako det nik
agure zar hori?
artuta leyotikan
jaurti bear det nik.
¡Oi, ai! neure leyotikan
jaurti behar det nik

-Neska: ago isilikan,
aberats den ori;
epez igaro itzan
urte bat edo bi:
ori ilezkeroztik
biziko aiz ongi

Deabruak daramala
oilar urtetsua
a baino nayago’t nik
nere aukerakoa.
¡Oi, ai! ogei bat urteko
gazte lorekoa
[Mother married me off when I was 15, my husband was 80. Ay! A young girl with a decrepit old man. Mother – why would I want that old man? I’ve got to grab him and throw him out of the window. Girl, be quiet, he is rich; be patient for one or two years; after he is dead, you will live in luxury. May the devil take that old man, I prefer to take a man who pleases me. Ay! A 20-year-old man in his prime].

  • Artistic creativity
Date of resolution:
April 2013